Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hacked Again!

I guess you got a message saying I was in Turkey and needed money...no, I'm not in Turkey although I do live with one!  And you can still send $$ (ha ha).  Somebody hacked into my Yahoo email account, but everything should be OK now.



Am sorry for not letting you know about my trip,I had to be in Turkey for a business which went successfully on my way back to the hotel were i stayed got mugged by some gunmen who made away with all my valuable things including cash,right now am skeptically worried because having problem paying my bills wondering if u can get a quick loan from you until i get back home, Let me know if you can be of any assistance so i can provide the details on how to get the money sent to me.awaiting your positive response


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sandy Ward.......Help

Good Day,

Sorry for any inconvenience, but I'm in a terrible situation. I came down here to Turkey for a program, last night on my way back to my hotel room I was robbed at gunpoint, my wallet and other valuables were stolen off me, leaving my passport and life safe. My luggage is still in custody of the hotel management pending when I make payment on outstanding bills I owe. I called my bank for a wire transfer but it has proven almost Impossible to operate my account from here as they made me understand international transactions take 7 working days to be effective which i can't wait. I need you to help me with a loan of ($3,150 USD) to pay my hotel bills and get my self home. I will reimburse you soon as I get back Home. I will appreciate whatever you can assist me with.

Let me know if you can be of help.

All hopes on you.


Sandy Ward
